If you’re new to Praise (tap here) or haven’t been in awhile, it’s natural to wonder what to expect. We’d like to offer a brief overview of what it’s like to attend any one of our three weekly services. We hope this offers you a better idea of who we are and trust that you will encounter God during whichever services you may attend. Our prayer is that we all grow together to become God's dwelling place.
While we have certain formats for certain services, it’s always our desire to be open to the Holy Spirit at any given moment, so we remain flexible during these times. Having said that, here is what you can expect when gathering with us.
What kind of music do you have?
We sing a mixture of newer and older songs. We also have moments of spontaneous worship as the Holy Spirit leads us. Whatever we may sing, we always aim to glorify Jesus.
How long are services?
While there may be exceptions, most of our services end around 12pm, depending on what God is doing that day.
Is there something for my kids?
Praise Kids ministry is available for ages 3-12 every Sunday and Wednesday.
Location: 840 Hollywood Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32904
Service Times: Sunday 10am, Tuesday 7pm, Wednesday 6:30pm
Watch or listen to one of our messages
This is our weekly worship service. Worship is foundational to who we are. We begin with worship--we believe in wholehearted attention, affection and devotion to Jesus, because he is worthy of it all. There is usually a message from one of our pastors. We also receive communion every Sunday. At some point during the service, we offer ministry time if anyone would like personal prayer. We also have opportunities to give and kids ministry for ages 3–12 (kids are dismissed after worship). Whether you wear a t-shirt or a suit, you’re welcome here! Our prayer room is also open from 9:30am-10am before worship begins.
Our prayer room is a place where you can seek the Lord through prayer, worship and God’s word, away from the busyness of life. While we have a simple prayer focus each week, the ultimate goal is to connect with the Lord and encounter him in some way--to become a dwelling place for God. That’s because the highest value, priority, need and desire is the presence of the Lord. While our reason for the prayer room is singular—Jesus is worthy—the result is growing in the knowledge of God, the character of God and the glory of God. Join us as we see and reflect the glory of Jesus together.
Prayer Room:
Tuesdays 7pm-8:30pm
Sundays 9:30am-10am
This is our weekly bible study. The word of God is also foundational to who we are. Sometimes we go through a book of the bible, other times we may do a book study or another topical study from the bible. The style of this class is always conversational, so we highly encourage interaction, questions and discussion as we teach. Bring your bible and expect God to speak to you. Kids ministry is available for ages 3–12.